Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spice of Life

It’s easy to get into a mindset: north=cold, south=hot.

Not in Argentina!

I spent some time in that vast country in the past decade and I found a lot of my ideas being turned topsy-turvy: Orion is upside down in the night sky in the southern hemisphere. But, wait a minute – maybe he’s right side up there and upside down here!

It’s the same with visiting National Park properties. Many of us see summer as the time for that – but, hey, wait a minute, it’s not such a good idea to visit Death Valley in the summer!

This coming weekend, Columbus Day, set me thinking. Here in the northeast it’s the busiest time of year. Maybe the weather isn’t wonderful, but, y’know, those russet, golden, yellow and red leaves sometimes look their best through morning mist. The Vermont valleys are lovely and mysterious as the mist settles down into them and you stand in sunshine above.

And right now is prime visiting time in the desert southwest – Joshua Tree National Park just tweeted that all its reservable campsites are – well – reserved for the weekend!