Tuesday, January 15, 2013

nps.gov is the go-to place for park information!

Get current information form the nps.gov website
 if you want to enjoy your park visit!

It happened again the other day. An couple of agitated people came into the visitor center upset because the ranger hadn’t turned up for the advertised program.  They were brandishing a piece of paper.

“We checked on line and even printed it out,” they explained.

That was helpful. Ranger Sue thought she knew what had happened. “Oh dear” she said, “That does sound frustrating. May I take a look at that paper?”

It wasn’t the information she wanted to look at, it was the url.

There it was at the bottom of the page. It wasn’t the Park’s web page. They’d picked up erroneous or outdated information posted by someone else.

Every national park property has a web page, and its url always begins with “nps.gov”. 

There are many copy-cat pages. Well-intentioned people may set up a site giving information about a national park site, copy the information from the official page but then never update it.  There’s nothing the park service can do about it – people can post what they like on the Internet.

So, be warned, and always make sure that you get your park information from nps.gov!